National Institute of Medical Herbalists

I am a member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists (NIMH) which is the UK’s oldest established body of professional herbalists in the world. Founded in 1864 with over 700 members worldwide, NIMH maintains a register of members, sets and maintains the highest standards of education and practice. All members adhere to a strict code of ethics. The NIMH accreditation board regulates standards of training schools and provides programmes of initial and continuing professional development. All members have professional and public liability insurance.


NIMH also liaises with government and medical committees in regulation of the profession and the process of Statutory Regulation which was approved in 2011.


All members of NIMH have undergone rigorous training to degree level and are trained in the same medical science as doctors, plus the use of herbal medicine based on traditional knowledge and latest scientific research.


NIMH has extensive contacts within universities and suppliers of herbal products hence members have access to top level herbal research.




Herbalist in Southam